Saturday, February 27, 2010

How to Find All the Angel Investors and Venture Capital Financing You'll Ever Need!

The once definitive line that would separate hard money and private/angel financing has merged into a hybrid of sorts in the past few years. As the economy has taken a dive and structured private lending firms have felt the crunch we are finding many of these lending solutions closing its doors and re-opening as privately owned and managed funding options with an interest in both lending and seed investment.

Approval decisions that were once made by a group are not being made by an individual or duo with an eye toward optimal capitalization with both short term and long term agendas. As investors are, now more than ever, trying to get as much bang out of their buck, entrepreneurs are in the precarious position of accepting funding from virtually any and every enterprise that is making an offering. That said, it is more important now than ever to swing open your mind to the possibilities of mass exposure of your opportunity to the investment world.

The best way to do this is to simply put your business in constant and automated 'introduction' mode so that you can be found by the money-men. The best way to do this is to heavily investigate the venture capital industry for executives who have created offshoot programs that have deviated their process from the traditional path of simply approving or declining a transaction.

There are many VC professionals who want to capitalize off of the projects that their firm cannot accept due to underwriting criteria and industrial genre specialization so they are starting these small but well managed financial source databases where members can place their transaction directly in front of thousands upon thousands of angel investors, private investors, hard money lenders, venture capital firms, private equity firms and other alternative finance solutions.

These websites are now the hottest thing in the capital markets and will continue to grow because of the high success rate of individual executives and entrepreneurs who are able to find multiple streams of financing options with the click of a button.

If you are seeking Angel Investors, Private Investors, Institutional Investment Capital, Private Equity or any type of financing for your company check out Angel Funding Project at they have great funding options, it's run by people in the venture capital industry and there are tons of free downloads

Guaranteed Venture Capital and Private Investor Funding Solutions

Think back to just a few short years ago, banks were on a lending spree, corporate lines of credit were being issued in record volume and companies were able to raise equity and debt capital with reasonable ease; then came the banking crash which unfortunately brought on an entirely new group of scams preyed on the innocent and naive small business owner which damaged the economy that much more.

Scams such as platform based funding, banking instrument collateralized lending, shelf corporation scams and on and on. Fortunately there is a light at the end of the tunnel thanks to some of the venture capital and private equity industry's talented global finance executives who have decided enough is enough.

Now entrepreneurs are seeing professional collective funding efforts put forth by these seasoned finance gurus in the form of online membership databases which possess some of the best kept secrets in the global funding markets. Many of these databases include finance companies and methods that have never been available to the public and were used for decades by VC professionals who were able to pull off funding miracles on behalf of clients and in return made hefty commissions.

Now, with these unique contacts being placed in database form they are now available to everyone and anyone who needs capital. Imaging going to one website, joining for a modest fee and getting access to thousands upon thousands of private investors, angel investors, venture capital firms, hard money lenders, private equity firms, aggressive hedge fund lenders, Asian and European finance, factoring and other wonderful and easily comprehensible options to acquire capital.

A few of these membership databases have even taken the next step to give the business owners the elements to promote their business in a way that will help them pass due diligence with ease. Some venture capital executives got so fed up with having a client with a great business model, solid infrastructure, exceptional board of directors and even money in the bank but the deal would die when the company went into the due diligence and offer phase that they actually paid programmers to design a down-loadable application that offers the entrepreneur easy yet extremely powerful publicity with the strength of an actual high end PR firm all at the click of a button, it's truly amazing.

The economy may not be what it used to be but it has forced the evolution of certain aspects of the financial industry to be more small business and entrepreneur friendly. There is massive funding out there for your company if you take the time to look.

Check out Angel Funding Project at this is a massive online database put together and managed by some of the industry's top venture capital executives. You can even download a free massive publicity application that will give you 1,000's of free promotional links to drive traffic and pass due diligence by investors.

Venture Capital Investment Market and Services in China

China being a developing and transitioning country, its venture capital market has some special characteristics.

1. China's venture capital practices lag behind the international norm
The high-tech enterprises in China, relying on various sources of capital, have undergone a difficult process of development. Although China has quite a few high-caliber entrepreneurs in the high-tech industry, a large number of these companies (16,000 in Beijing while 72,000 nationwide) are run by inexperienced individuals.

a) Serious information asymmetry
First, there exists an information asymmetry between the managers of high-tech companies and the outside investors.
Second, there exists an information asymmetry between high-tech companies and venture capital firms. By international practice, both parties should be honest with each other and exchange information openly. After all, the venture capital investors add value by using their management and technological expertise to improve the company's performance.

b) Serious exclusionism
High-tech companies in China, particularly those run by the locals, have a tendency to refuse to cooperate with outside investors.

c) High cost of investment
Chinese high-tech companies, particularly those run by the locals, are mostly under the control of couples or families. These ownership structures make it difficult and costly to follow the customary practice for venture capital investments, under which venture capitalists receive a substantial portion of ownership and control in the companies

2. Company managers, rather than venture capital investors, retain majority control
It is a common practice for the managers of some high-tech companies in China to demand for majority holding in cooperation with venture capital firms. There may be many explanations for such behavior, yet the primary reason lies in the influence of traditional Chinese thinking. This thinking is based on the belief that one will lose control over the company without majority holding or a leadership role in the company.

3. China lacks an infrastructure of service professionals to support venture capital firms
The growth of venture capital involves not only high-tech companies and venture capital firms, but also intermediary agencies such as law firms, accounting firms and assessment centers. Unfortunately, China still lacks agencies that offer proper services to the venture capital community.

At present, venture capital firms in China have to shoulder the multiple tasks of seeking for investment projects, assessing the projects, avoiding legal risks, planning the finances of invested companies and helping the portfolio company to list on the stock market.

4. The legal framework for venture capital investments is inadequate
Although China has set the national strategy of "revitalizing the country through science and education," it has yet to set up a legal framework in support of venture capital investments. The Chinese venture capital community has been growing in the absence of proper protection by law.

5. The Chinese capital markets provides inadequate exit channels for venture capital investments
The returns of a venture capital firm do not depend on yearly dividends but on the acquisition or the initial public offering of its invested companies. Such liquidity events require mature capital markets, which China lacks at present.

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Finding a Venture Capital Firm

Many ventures are faced with the challenging task of raising venture capital. The first part of this process is finding the right venture capital firm (VC). While this may seem simple, it isn't. There are thousands of venture capital firms in the United States alone, and going after the wrong ones is one of the most common reasons why companies fail to raise the capital they need.

When seeking a venture capital firm, there are six key variables to consider: location, sector preference, stage preference, partners, portfolio and assets.

Location: most venture capital firms only invest within 100 miles of their office(s). By investing close to home, the firms are able to more actively get involved with and add value to their portfolio companies.

Sector preference: many venture capital firms focus on specific sectors such as healthcare, information technology (IT), wireless technologies, etc. In most cases, even if you have a great company, if you fall outside of the VC's sector preference, they'll pass on the opportunity.

Stage preference: VCs tend to focus on different stages of ventures. For instance, some VCs prefer early stage ventures where the risk is great, but so are the potential returns. Conversely, some VCs focus on providing capital to firms to bridge capital gaps before they go public.

Partners: Venture capital firms are comprised of individual partners. These partners make investment decisions and typically take a seat on each portfolio company's Board. Partners tend to invest in what they know, so finding a partner that has past work experience in your industry is very helpful. This relevant experience allows them to more fully understand your venture's value proposition and gives them confidence that they can add value, thus encouraging them to invest.

Portfolio: Just as you should seek venture capital firms whose partners have experience in your industry, the ideal venture capital firm has portfolio companies in your field as well. Portfolio company management, since they are industry experts, often advises VCs as to whether the company in question is worthwhile. In addition, if your venture has potential synergies with a portfolio company, this significantly enhances the VCs interest in your firm.

Assets: Most companies seeking venture capital for the first time will require subsequent rounds of capital. As such, it is helpful if the VC has "deep pockets," that is, enough cash to participate in follow-on rounds. This will save the company significant time and effort in maintaining an adequate cash balance.

Finding the right venture capital firm is absolutely critical to companies seeking venture capital. Success results in the capital required and significant assistance in growing your venture. Conversely, failing to find the right firm often results in raising no capital at all and being unable to grow the venture.

Since 1999, Growthink's business plan consultants have developed more than 1,500 business plans. As a result, Growthink clients have collectively raised over $1 billion in growth financing. Growthink has become the firm of choice for venture capital firms, angel investors, corporations and entrepreneurs in the know. To speak with a profession